Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Grab Bag

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and was able to spend it with their family and friends. I would like to thank everyone for being such great customers over the past year and look forward to creating more great products for you to use to scrap your memories in the coming year. 

I don't know if you are a Black Friday shopper or not, but I have really become one over the last 4 years. I had never gone Black Friday shopping until 4 years ago when I found a digital camera at Walmart that I wanted to get my oldest for Christmas. I had wanted to go before, but could never find anyone to go with me or watch my kids. That year while at Thanksgiving with my mother-in-law's family all of us ladies decided we would go. It just so happened that Paul was going to actually be home that weekend, too. Normally he would have to take off with a load of livestock either Thursday night or early Friday morning, but we had decided to have a date night Friday night so he stayed home. This was also the first year that Toys R Us opened at midnight. That year I managed to stay up for a total of 40 hours! Spending a good majority of it shopping. Ever since that year I have kind of become hooked. I've not done too bad on getting some great deals, but this year has been the best so far. I've gotten basically everything I have wanted to get, including new flooring for my kitchen! :) After 13 years of having carpet in my kitchen I will soon be able to get rid of it. So excited! Let's just say that having carpet in the kitchen with 3 kids and a husband that tends to get oil and grease on his shoes at work and doesn't always take them off before walking into the kitchen is NOT a good idea. It was one of the first things I wanted to change in this house when we moved in, but we have never gotten around to it. Now if I could just magically make it bigger so we could put in an island, I might just like it. lol. 

If you like getting great deals check out this bright, fun grab bag that I released this week at ScrapMatters. You get 3 full size products for only $3.99! But hurry though because just like Black Friday doorbusters this grab bag won't be around for long. It is only available through Nov. 29. After that it will be broken up and the individual pieces will be available in my store. 


Check out what you all get in this fun grab bag!




If that wasn't a big enough deal the rest of my ScrapMatters' store (excluding bundles) is also on sale! Plus just a little hint check out the Flash Sale on Sunday night around 6 pm EST. ;)


Until next time...Happy Scrapping!

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