I was looking back through my gallery the other day at ScrapMatters before it closes and I started getting nostalgic. For the last five years that has been my main gallery, so all of my layouts are posted there. It was fun to look at how much I have grown as a scrapper since I first started. I started there when my youngest was a baby, so there are pages of her first few days all the way up to just a few months ago. It was neat to see how much she has grown. There were also a few pages there made me cringe when looking at them because they are not how I scrap now. It was like looking back at my paper scrapbooks and seeing all the pictures I cut with decorative scissors or into shapes. Thankfully, unlike the paper pages, the digital ones can be changed if I ever get to that point. Have you ever looked back through your gallery at all the pages you have created?
My store at Gotta Pixel is now officially open! To help celebrate my new store and Cyber Monday I have a new grab bag to show you today. This grab bag will only be available through December 5, so pick it up now before it gets broken apart. It includes 3 never before seen products at an awesome discount. It's an $11.97 value for only $4.50! That's over 60% off. You can see what is all included in the detailed pictures on the product page. Not only can you grab this there, but I have started uploading some of my other products at Gotta Pixel and they are 30% through Dec. 5.
Here is a page I created using this grab bag. Every Christmas Eve we give the kids new pajamas to wear to bed that night so they have them on for Christmas morning when we open gifts.
Until next time...Happy Scrapping!